Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week of Archer Starts Tomorrow (and a few other updates!)

Hey everybody! As you probably know, tomorrow is July 13th! What you might NOT know, however, is that it's also one week before Archer Cross's first match in the YA Sisterhood's Second  Annual YA Crush Tourney!! Which means it's the start of WEEK OF ARCHER!!

For more info on Archer and the Tourney, click HERE. For more info on Week of Archer, click HERE!

There's still time to submit your Archer-related awesomeness!! Remember, this DOES NOT HAVE TO BE original artwork or anything, though that is totally acceptable and awesome!! It can be things that remind you of Archer, things that make you think of Archer, things you think Archer would like, or even your favorite Archer quotes/moments from the books. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ARCHER!!

So go on, submit!! Take your time with it, but the sooner the better! Try to get them in before the end of tomorrow (the 13th) so I can get all the posts arranged nicely in time, but I won't refuse to post your awesome stuff just because it's a day or two late :)

Send your submissions to!


More fun stuff! I know I've been very lame with posting for a while (particularly with reviews) but that will HOPEFULLY be changing soon. I'm in a weird sort of limbo-state as my family gets ready to move (plus I've been spending some time at my brothers' as-of-yet-internet-free apartment), which means review-writing time is slim, and quite honestly, gets stolen by distractions like Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube. But I'm working on pushing past that, so within the next little bit you can expect reviews of SHADE by Jeri Smith-Ready (see my review of SHINE here), Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry, If I Die by Rachel Vincent, Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent, The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke, and a few others :) SO KEEP AN EYE OUT!!


Have you guys seen?? Have ya?? To all Mortal Instruments fans who might not have known: WE HAVE A SIMON. For the movie. Yup, Simon is OFFICIALLY CAST!!

His name is Robert Sheehan, and I, personally, think he will be PERFECT! I've never seen him act, but LOOK AT THAT FACE!!

They all look lovely together!!

I'm super happy with this cast, but what do you think? (Please respond in a CIVIL AND POLITE way, without RUDE BASHING, thanks :D)

Anyway, I believe that's it for now!! So, to review, SUBMIT ARCHER STUFF, KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR REVIEWS, AND SIMON!!!

Have a good one, guys!!



  1. Hmm, I think I can actually picture this guy as Simon! Oh man, I'm so excited! :D

    I can't wait for all your brilliant reviews! :)

    1. I know!! I'd never heard of him before, but the second I saw him, he just...WAS Simon! I'm very happy :)

  2. I have no idea what series Archer is from which means I probably haven't read it!

    And I like the casting too :)

    1. Whoops, I guess I should have made that clearer. He's from the Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins, one of my favorite series :)


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